Scranton council sets Oct. 10 public hearing on chickens in the city

Scranton City officials have scheduled a public hearing for Tuesday, Oct. 10, to listen to the pros and cons of allowing chickens inside the city limits. The meeting will begin at 6 pm.

Many communities in the area have adopted ordinances that allow a small number of birds in the back or side yards. Generally no roosters are allowed. 

Jim Pepples was on the August agenda, speaking to the council about allowing chickens into town. 

Residents are asked to attend to voice their opinions on the matter.

The council split vote on a motion to renew a CD for six months. The matter carried with Ashley Squibb, Dustin Gibson and Annette in favor. Gale Zellweger and Nici Thomas were no votes.

Dawn Rudolph gave the community center report. The summer was slow but that is usually the case. The bus stop is running smoothly. She explained the plans to remodel the wrestling room (which was approved by the council). 

There has been some interest in pickleball. The Community Center is planning a couple of events to introduce the game to residents. AAU sports are beginning their practices.

Markus Rosenow gave the public works report. The plans are running well. Lead and copper testing is scheduled. The street sweeper is being worked on. Pot holes have been repaired. More trees will be removed soon.

Leesa Squibb spoke during open forum in regards to a neighbor that lets a dog run through her yard. She also inquired about a sex offender being too close to the bus stop and park.

The annual financial report was approved.

Next regular meeting of the council is Oct. 10. ~courtesy of The Scranton Journal

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